In order to strengthen and expand the research activities in the institute, R&D cell was established and is functioning in this Institution from last several years.
One of the policy decisions in the UGC XI Plan provides for establishing Career Guidance Cell in Colleges and Universities, which can be understood as a Centre assisting students in realizing their aptitudes/potential, training them to hone and supplement their aptitudes/potentials, match them with the available careers and bring in Companies to select them and place them. SWCET for a long time has had a robust Training and Placement Cell which benefits the student immensely at a higher level. However, the work of Career Guidance Cell will precede the work of Training and Placement Cell and will fill in the gap of helping the students to understand their potentials and matching them to appropriate careers available both in India and abroad.
The Career Guidance Cell (CGC) is established with the following main objectives:
• The students will be assisted in understanding their potentials. This can be accomplished through:
->through psychometric tests specially designed for Engineering Students (such psychometric tests will clearly state the aptitudes and potentials in engineering with regard to each student)
->the students can be counseled by the Faculty or Professionals to understand their potentials.
• To support studies to develop their potentials.
• To assist/counsel students to map to the available careers based on their potentials, aptitudes and interests.
The broad careers after B.Tech. would mean higher studies (in India and abroad), Entrepreneurship, Civil Services, Engineering Services, and other Services through competitive exams, Service in Armed Forces, Research Career, etc.
Name of the Coordinator for CGC : Prof. M. Hima Bindu